Nerd Rage
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Fury/Arms Warr

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Fury/Arms Warr Empty Fury/Arms Warr

Post  Juggies Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:52 pm

Character Name: Juggies
Character Class: Warrior
Character MS/OS: Fury(MS)/Arms(OS)
Current ICC Experience: I have killed everything in the plague wing along with Dreamwalker and BQ. I also have experience with Princes, just haven't been able to find a guild nor a good pug Sad. However, I know the fights that I have not done and I am a competent person that usually doesn't mess up due to stupid reasons.
Approximate Gear Score MS/OS: 5.5k currently, should be rising fairly quick in the next week or two.
Why NerdRage: Well, first off, I have quite a few friends in your guild and it would be pretty fun to raid with them again. Also, you guys seem like a pretty cool bunch of people that can get stuff done when needed.
Previous Guild Association: Dark Cataclysm
Sponsor in the guild (if any): Simna
Tell us about yourself and your goals in the game: Well, I am looking for a guild that I can finish ICC with. I probably took a break from WoW at the worst time, right before the second wing of ICC opened. I came back after LK had been released so I missed a bunch of content. It's taken me quite a while to get where I am due to guild not wanting me or guilds that just can't make it to LK. My main goal, though, is to kill the Lich King just so I can say I did. (Also, the Frostwrym wouldn't be a bad addition to my mount window.) I like to think of myself of a pretty chill guy that avoids drama, I don't cause problems with guildies and I'm pretty quiet. I hope you guys can consider me, even though I have a somewhat low GS and experience level compared to everyone else in the guild. Hope to hear from you guys Smile


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Fury/Arms Warr Empty Re: Fury/Arms Warr

Post  Volx Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:11 pm

Thanks for your app!

Unfortunately, considering your gear/experience and class, we would not have room for you in our 25 man raids. That being said, if Simna is willing to recommend you, we could toss you an invite as a "friend" and wait until you get a bit more geared and do some 10s and 25s to clear the zone.

We are never opposed to inviting friends into the guild, in fact we prefer it. But I just cannot set the expectation that you could be a regular raider at this point.

Let me or Kewky know on what you decide.

Nerd Rager!

Posts : 175
Join date : 2009-12-17

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Fury/Arms Warr Empty Re: Fury/Arms Warr

Post  Juggies Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:29 am

I completely understand. I guess it looks like I'll probably have to join another guild until I get the experience and gear needed for you guys. Just curious, what does the the friend spot mean? Will I be raiding on alt runs or am I basically on a waiting list until I come up to par? Again, I completely understand where you guys are coming from, you don't want to carry some guy through your raids Smile. Thank you for your reply, hope to hear from you soon.


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Fury/Arms Warr Empty Re: Fury/Arms Warr

Post  Kewky Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:06 am

Hi Jug,

Here is a copy of what our rules say about the "friend" rank :

Everyone needs to be very clear on this rank and its purpose. The friend rank is for close friends of current members or significant others. Friends are _not_ guaranteed any kind of raiding spots and initiates/ragers will be given raid spot priority.

If a friend wishes to join as a raider they must go through the same channels as everyone else since this is an invite-only guild. From time to time, our guild will be missing spots in raids or perhaps doing some non-official raids and in need of people. When these open spots present themselves friends may be invited. Your friends must aim to impress! If guild leadership likes what they see they may be invited more regularly or promoted to initiates if that it what they are looking for.

The friends rank is to let people stay in social contact with their friends. This is the ranks _only_ function. Please do not mistake this rank as member with raiding rights!

We reserve the right to remove your friend from the guild if they do not fit in. This will, of course, make you upset. Please think carefully about your friend's personality since that determines if he/she will fit into the guild.

This guild is not here to "gear" your friends, so please let them know not to spam gchat asking for help all the time with this and that.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


Posts : 256
Join date : 2009-12-17
Location : San Francisco, CA

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Fury/Arms Warr Empty Re: Fury/Arms Warr

Post  Kewky Wed Jul 28, 2010 2:18 pm

Closing this app. If you would like to discuss anything further or you are interested in the friend rank, please msg me in game. Thanks!


Posts : 256
Join date : 2009-12-17
Location : San Francisco, CA

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